13th February 2025, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Unsettling Economics
This is the topic of the next meeting of the Southampton Regional Theology Forum of the Methodist Church:to be held from 10 am on Thursday, February 13, 2025 in Romsey Methodist Church (https://www.romseymethodist.church).
Our discussion will be led by Paul Morrison, the policy advisor for issues around the economy in the Joint Public Issues team (JPIT). “JRI’s mission is to promote responsible environmental stewardship in accordance with Christian principles and the wise use of science and technology."
"The UK economy has grown in 22 of the 24 years of this century. On average we hold more wealth with higher incomes than ever before – yet churches fed more than 3 million people in foodbanks last year and 1 million children experienced destitution.
We will look at how assumptions baked into how the economy works lead to poor outcomes for people and planet and ask if theology offers us ways to challenge these damaging economic systems."
This will be a morning-only meeting. We start with a welcome drink, and the discussion will be in a cafe-style environment, aided by the products of a Swedish Bakery from Hedge End, thanks to the help of our local zero-waste shop and cafe, Lemon and Jinja.
Please feel free to pass this message on to others who might be interested.
Contact: John Evans (johnxafs@icloud.com ecodistrict@sdmc.org.uk )