18th March 2024, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM


If you are a lay employee or volunteer in the Bristol, Channel Islands or Southampton Districts be invited to our online regional gathering on Monday 18th March, from 9:30am-12pm!

We will worship together and enjoy each others' company before splitting into three streams (Administrators, Childrens/Youth/Family/Community and Pastoral Visitors) each with a specialist interest topic and guest speaker.

A t 11am there will be a chance to meet the Chair of either the Bristol or Southampton District.

Because we love lay employees and volunteers so much we want to express our gratitude by sending a small token of appreciation for all that you do! The first 30 to sign up will be able to receive this in the post!

Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bristol-channel-islands-and-southampton-districts-lay-employees-gathering-registration-778230948717?aff=oddtdtcreator