For Lay Employment matters and advice please email:

Employment of people into lay posts within churches and circuits is growing for a variety of reasons – the emergence of Fresh Expressions, fewer available ministers, utilisation of more creative ways of engaging with the unchurched community, and the need to pay someone in order to attract relevant skills.
Churches and circuits as employers are governed by employment law and Methodist CPD, with good practice overarching both of these. Whether your church or circuit is in the early stages of thinking about employing someone or already has a lay employee, or whether you have a simple query or are facing a knottier employment issue, we are here to support and advise you in these areas.

Here are some examples of how we can help:

• when you are considering the possibility of recruiting a lay employee and how that fits with your church/circuit’s vision;
• during the recruitment process itself, and in preparation of relevant documentation;
• in appointing a line manager and the practical issues involved with that;
• dealing with employment issues which may arise, like discipline/grievance procedures, maternity leave/ pay, sickness absence and even redundancy.
• anticipating potential changes to staffing in the face of reshaping amongst circuits.

Latest Employment advice re Coronavirus

Covid-19 Employment Briefing 8 and EU Settlement Scheme District.docx

DOCX file, 21.43 KB, last modified 3 years ago.


EU Settlement Scheme

Covid-19 Employment Briefing 8 and EU Settlement Scheme District.docx

DOCX file, 21.43 KB, last modified 3 years ago.
