Donating Church Candle Wax for Ukraine

Donating Church Candle Wax for UkraineWe have heard about an initiative to support Ukraine - Alongside Ukraine Relief, you can also… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 12th July 2024


3 Generate 2024

3Generate 2024 is drawing ever-closer, and excitement is building as everything begins to fall into place. Tickets are still on sale until July 21st, as we prepare our jam-packed programme and look… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 4th July 2024


thriving as a small church

In this 60-minute Zoom gathering you will hear stories of small churches that have make big steps in discerning God's call and making changes for the sake of mission. You'll also have an opportunity… Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 3rd July 2024


Modern Slavery

The Church of England’s modern slavery response, The Clewer Initiative, and Nottingham Trent University (NTU) have partnered to bring awareness to exploitation and slavery within the UK’s hand car… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 21st May 2024


Springs Dance Company productions for your church

A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance - an uplifting dance production for your church to host.Bring your community together to watch an intimate portrayal of grief and joy performed by five outstanding… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 13th May 2024



SYNOD DATES 2025Presbyteral Synod 26th February              Representative Spring Synod 5th April            Representative Autumn Synod 20th Sept Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 13th May 2024


Spring Synod and Celebrations!

On Saturday 20th April we gathered together for Representative Synod at St James Road Methodist Church in Southampton.It was a very special Synod - plenty of business in the morning including some… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 22nd April 2024


Volunteering at 3Generate!

Volunteering for 3Generate is open! This year we need to grow the team by 25% and want to encourage everyone in churches to consider getting involved.There are 3 prime opportunities to care, help and… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 2nd April 2024


With Jo Crocker

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by Tizz Tizzard, 18th March 2024


Understanding Sustainable Buildings

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by Tizz Tizzard, 19th February 2024

