15th February 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM


On behalf of Tom Stuckey and myself, I am writing to invite you to the next meeting of the Southampton Regional Theology Forum of the Methodist Church, to be held from 10 am on Thursday, February 15, 2024 in Romsey Methodist Church (https://www.romseymethodist.church).

Our discussion will be led by Will Howard who will be continuing our discussions on relationships between truth, religious thought and artificial intelligence (AI); it is entitled Embodied Virtue - the Ethics of AI

Will lives in Christchurch and worships at the Priory, where he’s been on the preaching team since 2004. He is an academic support tutor at the Winchester School of Mission, focussing on exegesis and hermeneutics. His commercial work revolves around e-commerce.

This will be a morning-only meeting. We start with a welcome drink, and the discussion will be in a cafe-style environment, aided by the products of the fine local Swedish Bakery,

Please feel free to pass this message on to others who might be interested.

John Evans (johnxafs@icloud.com)