3rd June 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Pornography is big business. It affects us all. So how do we support those in our churches affected by it? And what do we need to know from a safeguarding perspective? This 2 hour webinar will help you understand:
- What pornography is
- Who is affected by it
- How it is consumed
- What we can do to support those affected by it
- The implications for safeguarding practice
The statistics are frightening with significant numbers of children seeing pornography at a very young age.
This webinar is for anyone interested in understanding more about the impacts of pornography on children, young people and adults in our churches.
The webinar is on Mon, 3 June 2024 19:00 - 21:00
Natasha Rees from Naked Truth Project is facilitating the webinar. NTP works to open the eyes and free lives from the damaging impact of pornography. Natasha has been working in relationships ad sex education since 2017 and joined NTP in 2022 as their Schools Lead.
Due to the content covered in this webinar no-one under the age of 18 may attend. If you are under 18 and are looking for help or support you can find resources at: https://nakedtruthproject.com/get-help/
Naked Truth Project also run webinars for parents on this subject. You can find details of these events at: https://www.thepgworksop.com/events Tickets are £5:00.
To book your place go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/safeguarding-and-pornography-information-and-advice-for-churches-registration-870942340987