Swanmore Methodist Church – Children’s Cookery Club
During half-term week in February twelve young people aged between 6 and 14 gathered at Swanmore Methodist Church for a session of the popular Cookery Club. The Club is held most half terms and is headed up by expert cook Mrs Mavis Daniels. This session’s aim was to produce enough bread rolls to be used for the Lent Lunch on 9th April in aid of the Mayor of Winchester’s charities. The youngsters quickly got into the swing of things and made bread dough, then kneaded the mixture with great enthusiasm. While the dough was set aside to rise they applied their energies to making lunches. They made toad in the hole, roasted vegetables and apple crumble which provided a welcome feast for the 20 people who came along, and of course ate with relish.
After lunch was finished they returned to their risen dough, shaping it all into 120 rolls. While these were cooked the youngsters decorated fancy chocolate cakes to be taken home to eat later - or maybe sooner…..!
Martin Letts
Steward – Swanmore Methodist Church
(*images published with permission)