Our community services in Hampshire really need your help.
MHA Communities in Hampshire are facing the prospect of one of their primary funding streams being withdrawn in 2023. The nine Hampshire schemes have been recipients of an Adult Social Care grant offered by Hampshire County Council (HCC) but they are proposing to stop all local and county-wide grants funded to voluntary, community and partner organisations like MHA Communities from April 2023. HCC has just launched a consultation on this decision, and the team is now asking for your help to fight this cut.
Please complete this online consultation survey, which will take no more than a couple of minutes to complete, and share this link with anyone and everyone you know. This is a public consultation and feedback is not limited to MHA colleagues, service users and volunteers. The more people we can get to complete this feedback the better. Please see our guidance notes on completing the consultation if you need any step-by-step guidance please be aware you won't need to say whether or not you've used these services.
The Hampshire Communities team are working hard to gather as many responses as possible but I cannot overstate how crucial it is that everyone who is able to, provides feedback. Submissions must be made by Sunday 20 March to be counted.