Walking Nativity

Saturday 7th Dec saw the 4th Walking Nativity Walk around the streets of Copnor, Portsmouth. Over 450 people made the way through the back streets of Copnor. Led by a couple of real life donkeys they… Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 12th December 2019


Journey to the Stable

For 10 years United Church Dorchester has hosted a visual journey through the Christmas story. Allowing people to take a 7 step journey, stopping along the way to [lace themselves in the nativity… Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 12th December 2019


The quest to find a fulfilling role when fulltime work ends can raise the question ‘but what do I have to offer?

https://afterworknet.com/each-of-these-8-transferable-skills-opens-doors-to-rewarding-work-paid-or-voluntary-which-is-yours/ Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 11th November 2019


Growing Young

Ten Things You don't need to Grow Young!A precise size. Don’t buy into the Goldilocks fantasy that some churches are too big, others are too small, and some are “just right.” We saw no statistical… Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 18th September 2019


3 Generate

3Generate provides a unique opportunity for dialogue and engagement with children and young people. Outcomes from the weekend are fed back to Methodist Conference and help to inform the work and… Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 17th September 2019


Who Let the Dads Out

But Who Let The Dads Out? groups are not exclusively parent and toddler groups. Churches can use the title for any form of outreach that engages dads, father figures and their children together. And… Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 17th September 2019


Messy Church

If you want to find out more about Messy Church and how it might be useful in your contact please get in touch with me.  If you've been running a Messy Church for a while and want to explore what… Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 17th September 2019

