Warm Spaces - update

Connexional grants to fund warm spaces are now available, but you must apply before 12th January 2023.  £24 per day or £12 for a half day that you are… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 3rd January 2023


Festival of Church Music 2023

Christian greetings from the "In Harmony" Free Church Choirs Committee.We would appreciate if you would share our news of the next biennial Festival of Church Music, with all the churches in your… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 12th December 2022


Warm Spaces

Connexional grants to fund warm spaces are now available, but you must apply before 12th January 2023. See the section on funding warm spaces below. To find out more click here Read More

by Tizz Tizzard, 9th December 2022


Global Mission Fellows: young people aged 20-30

A fantastic opportunity for young adults aged 20-30: applications are open for young people from Britain and Ireland from November 1, the deadline for application is January 12, 2023. Visit: Global… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 15th November 2022


Enabling skills for Ministry and Mission

Wesley House, CambridgeThis new one-year part-time online course, being run in association with AVEC Resources, will enable you to develop your role through a mix of intensive feedback, reading and… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 7th November 2022


Creating Safer Space: Advanced Module

Creating Safer Space:Advanced Module (Online)We have arranged some further Gathered Sessions for the Creating Safer Spaces Advanced Module.These will be run on:22 Nov 10:00 – 12:009 Jan 14:00 –… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 1st November 2022


News from Action for Children

Hello from Action for Children!Thank you for supporting our work!Our thanks to everyone who raised funds in the last couple of months to support the vital work we do. You're amazing! Those who took… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 31st October 2022


Encounter Together - Palestine/Israel 2023: Living Christianity in the Holy Land 18th -30th Jan 2023

A wonderful opportunity for local preachers, young adults, those exploring vocation, peace-making, community, prayer, mission and going deeper in to the story of the Holy Land:Encounter Together -… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 19th October 2022


Support the Portsmouth University Chaplains in the Great South Run

Support the Portsmouth University Chaplains in the Great South Run as they raise funds for Chaplaincy Student Support!The chaplains will be running this weekend, although the donations page will be… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 14th October 2022


Remembrance Sunday resources

Revised Remembrance Sunday resource for the Methodist ChurchMethodist Armed Forces Chaplains' experience has been drawn upon to create a resource to assist worship leaders to mark Remembrance Sunday… Read More

by Sarah Pothecary, 12th October 2022

